Dr Joel Cohen
MB ChB (Witwatersrand, South Africa), FRACGP
Dr Joel Cohen graduated from the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa.
He has over 25 years experience in patient health care. Clinical Medicine has always been his passion and he has worked as a clinician in Australia and South Africa. He has extensive experience in General Practice and Specialist Medicine in the fields of Physician, Intensive Care, Palliative Care and Emergency Medicine.
Dr Cohen has a passion for general practice, a field of medicine that allows for variety in patient management, preventative medicine and the ability to build significant relationships with patients and their families.
Dr Cohen enjoys all aspects of General Practice but also has a particular interest in children’s health, preventative care, cardiovascular and respiratory medicine, arthritis and management of chronic diseases.
Dr Cohen has over 20 years medical education experience, teaching all levels of Medical Students, Specialist Registrars and new general practitioners. He is currently a lecturer for the Sydney University Medical School.
Dr Cohen is married with 2 children, loves photography and the ability to spend time capturing images of the amazing people and world around us.